This free action game online of steam and war is constructed around the massive steam era of 1897, when, tyrannical warren buttenberg powered with its steam army has virtually captured most of the countries in Europe. Its steam war machines are too terrific and deadly and, therefore, dirk the adventurer powered with steam chain is given responsibility to attack upon its fortress of steam.
There are 24 levels in the game, from the very first level where dirk has to use its chain as a weapon to counter buttenberg?s soldiers all has been clearly stated over here in the different levels of the game. As far as Dirk moves ahead in the game, he is countered with more difficult situations and war patterns in the game.
In this free action game online, you move ahead with the help of mouse to release the steam chain in order to attack over opponent and enemies. To move forward and backward, the keys A and D are used. The key W helps a gamer to jump in the game as much as possible.